5 Reasons Why Your Garage Door Deserves A Check-Up

garage door services and repairs.

5 Reasons Why Your Garage Door Deserves A Check-Up

  • Regular check-ups on garage door can prevent small problems from becoming large and costly
  • Regular maintenance can save money in the long run
  • Proper care can extend the life of garage door
  • Serviced garage doors are safer
  • Avoid future inconveniences by staying on top of garage door maintenance
  • Contact Eastern Garage Doors for garage door services and repairs.

We all know the importance of regular maintenance and services for things like our cars, air conditioners, and gas heaters. But what about the garage door? Does your garage door really deserve a check-up? 

To be blunt, uh yes! And in this article, we’ll explain 5 reasons why. 

Stop small problems from becoming large problems

How does that old saying go? ‘From little things, big things grow!’ And the same goes for your garage door. Garage door springs can snap, garage door openers can overheat and become faulty, and doors can slide off their tracks. 

That’s why your garage door deserves a check-up at least once per year. Garage door technicians (like the team at Eastern Garage Doors) can spot and rectify these small issues before they become a major headache (and super expensive to repair). 

Save money in the long run 

By giving your garage door a regular check-up and service, you can save money on expensive repairs later on. Most issues with garage doors are relatively minor and can be fixed quite cheaply, so long as the problem is caught early enough. 

But if you never get your garage door serviced, those minor problems can become significantly more expensive very quickly. Save yourself the trouble, and your wallet, by investing in a regular garage door service. 

Extend the life of your garage door

Most garage doors are built to last for at least a few decades, but you can extend their life even more by getting a regular service to your garage door. When maintained and cared for properly, there’s no reason why your garage door shouldn’t last you for many, many years. 

Serviced garage doors are safer

Believe it or not, garage doors can result in serious injuries, even fatalities. Garage doors are very heavy, and if your garage door is maintained properly there’s a higher risk that the door may malfunction. Garage doors rely on a system of pulleys and tracks to safely open and close. But if something in that system breaks or malfunctions, it could cause serious harm. 

By getting your garage door serviced regularly you can gain peace of mind in knowing that your garage door is functioning as it should. 

Avoid future inconveniences

There’s nothing worse than being on your way out the door to work only to find your garage door isn’t working and your car is trapped inside the garage. Often we take for granted the daily convenience of a garage door that opens and closes as it should. It’s not until the garage door is no longer working that we have to do something about it. 

Avoid the headaches of being blind sided by a broken garage door by staying on top of your garage door maintenance. All it takes is a call, we’ll do the rest for you! 

Call Eastern Garage Doors for garage door services 

We offer the best quality garage door services and repairs. At Eastern Garage Doors we offer free quotes on garage door repairs if they’re over the standard call-out fee, so you’ll never feel ripped off! From broken springs to faulty remotes, we can fix any garage door problem.

Give our team a call today on 03 9812 3062.